Sohel Hafiz Problem Index
Placing Lampposts
Connect the Cable Wires
The Predator
Forming Quiz Teams
Simple Minded Hashing
Walking on a Grid
Palindromic Permutation
Sum of Product
Predator II
Function Overloading
Back to the 8-Queens
Divisibility Testing
Continuous Drawing
Dynamic Frog
Elegant Permuted Sum
Factors and Multiples
Going Together
Independent Attacking Zones
Cool Points
Guards, Imbecile Guards
Have Fun with Matrices
Investigating Div-Sum Property
Even Parity
Count the Polygons
Square Sums
Arrange the Tiles
Jimmy's Balls
Gathering Food
Integer Game
Fill the Square
Smallest Sub-Array
Brick Game
Bulb Inside a Grid
Optimal Segments
Colored Tiles
Looking for a New Place
How Many Teams
Sign of Matrix
Evaluate the Expression
Cost Cutting
Table Tennis
Jumping Mario
Automate the Grades
Dog Distance
Game --- Mouse and Cheese
Prime Game
N + NOD (N)
Do Your Own Homework
Hybrid Salientia
0 s, 1 s and ? Marks
K-Transformed Permutations
Stable Grid
Magic Rings
Match Maker
Tariff Plan
Games of Block
ABCD Tiles
Bob's Beautiful Balls
Coalescing Continents
Bits Equalizer
RNA Secondary Structure
Erratic Expansion