Monirul Hasan Problem Index
Critical Wave
Homer Simpson
How Far?
To Carry or not to Carry
Shifted Coefficient Number System
Can't be too GREEDY
Fastest Vs Cheapest
Where is the Marble?
Help the Leaders
The Hybrid Knight
Cats, with or without Hats
Another Counting Problem
How Many Calls?
Combination! Once Again
Numbering the Paths
The Eagle's Nest
Undraw the Trees
n Group k
The Playboy Chimp
GNU = GNU'sNotUnix
Bombs! NO they are Mines!!
Play with Floor and Ceil
Huge Mods
Cyborg Genes
Coco Monkey
String to Palindrome
Odd Sum
Qualify for the Champions League
Modular Equations
Parenthesizing Palindromes
Prime Frequency
The Orc Attack
Right Hand Rule
Of Circles and Squares
Concatenation of Languages
Matrix Decompressing
Find the Project
Zeros and Ones
Guinea Rats
Truchet Tiling